You are currently browsing the monthly archive for March 2012.

March 24.  Dear friends,  because of important family & personal stuff,  i have taken some time off … when i started focusing again on the channeling, i was told to start with messages “just for me”.  Amusingly enough, one was from an elemental named Ariamell, who encouraged me to dance more. She had observed me saving baskets of flower petals and thanked me more honoring them, but instructed me to dance and spread the petals on the Mother Earth! The next one, i felt was meant to be shared, but it too surprised me mightily!  (the Supreme Being??? good grief!!! ) but i just let it flow and it is a very beautiful message…enjoy!  with my blessings, Jennifer

March 20. This is the Supreme Being. You are One with me as I Am with you. Convergence is a rhythm, inevitable. We are not separate any more than the sun and the rays of light are separate. You go forth from my heart to explore and penetrate the darkness. I sit in stillness and enjoy the sensation of all of your experiences. My heart is an ever-erupting geyser of love.

I am telling you this because you have asked – is there a Supreme Being? Is there a level wherein all is known? Yes, there is the totality of consciousness which WE are ALL a part of – I can see, comprehend, revel in this wholeness more than you can at this point, just as the tip of the ballerina knows the shoe and the floor intimately, and forgets the head and mind and yet still is connected, so are you fully engaged in your sensory dance Except when your individual minds tell you stories, you are not remembering the whole of who we are, but I am always remembering. I am the whole dancer. You are one foot, or one toe, or one cell or one molecule, except when you sleep and then you become the leg, the knee, the breast, the finger or any point of consciousness you choose.

You do know at times the entirety – or shall I say, you glimpse it – very few would choose to stay in that entirety of awareness – much as you long for it, you would consider it “too much” and you would consider that you would lose too much by letting go of your individual perspective. You have become attached to your uniqueness – there is only one You and yet you are One in the larger scheme of things with all of the individual expressions of LIFE. Life is life – multiple and one at the same time.

As much as you can enter the realm of paradox, you can begin to play in understanding the greater beingness of yourself. I am the I Am and so are you, no matter how you play with dress-ups and disguises, no matter how convincingly you entertain yourselves with thoughts of separateness. And yet your play is also a divine expression of your I Am. You enjoy the whole extension from crown to toe, from heart to hair, from womb to world. Know you are mine and I am Yours in the eternal ocean of Beingness.

With ever-expanding love, Your Own I Am.

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