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This blog has been quiet for many weeks due to an absorbing early Vermont Spring, with baby chicks to raise  and a big vegetable garden to plant.  Also, to be honest, i began reading so many other people’s blogs about our ascension progress that I began to “compare” – which is deadly – and to question: what’s the point of adding my messages to the mix?  So while i was doubting myself, i just let it be so, and then i stopped, and began to want to share again –  so here you go!  with my love…. jennifer

July 2, 2012  Mary Magdalen

Mary, would you have a message of encouragement to offer at this time?

Indeed. And gladly so. Many have been expecting great changes based on your ideas of transformation due in this period on your planet, and much – not visible to the naked eye – has been transpiring to shift the energies into their higher vibration to the benefit of you all. Many seek to understand these subtle energetic changes, but understanding with the mind will only give a partial picture, and one skewed at that. Your traditional frame of reference seeks to adjust new information, such as that being relayed through subconscious and unconscious pathways, to fit pre-existing patterns of perception, and structures of thought.

You cannot put the new Earth into the old Earth’s container. The expansion you have all created with your growing awareness means that your new perceptions will not fit into pre-existing mental arrangements – and that is what an intellectual understanding is. If you truly seek to understand, know that your most powerful means of comprehending, absorbing and knowing will be available to you through your breath, through your peace, through your inner conversations with your guides and teachers, through your intentional connection to your own knowing.

If you sense confusion in your mind, rest a bit, then contact your knowing levels, and an understanding will be delivered to you gently. Your mind is eager to lead, but in this new era, allow your mind to rest, relax, and take a back seat, go along for the ride. Your knowing levels can give you all the assurance you many need that the flow of expansion is surely happening in the greatest, smoothest possible way. Your Father and Mother are supporting every aspect of your expansion and respecting your own pacing as to how quickly you travel thru the upper levels of the 4th D into the 5th.

Each of you has an inner flow of development which proceeds at your perfect timing, allowing for all to be experienced and known in its most advantageous moment. So if you do not “know” something right at this time, wait a bit, it will come, surely as the sun rises each day and the flowers open each in their turn in one continuous flow of summer beauty across the land.

Mother Earth is a great teacher to you, if you will look to her and listen to her. Some of you are like daisies saying “when will I be a rose, why don’t I look like a buttercup, where is my purple fringe, why can’t I come sooner?” Each of you has an inner schedule – which is not quite the right word, but as I said before, the new Earth will not be like the old, and some of your language does not stretch to the new perception – just know that each of you will blossom into your potential, into your wholeness and offer your gift of love to the Earth in your own unique way when it happens, and not before and not after.

If you feel anticipation to be very distracting, then you are noticing that indeed anticipation is one of your best games for diverting your attention from the heart of the moment. It is like a candy flower distracting the bee from the experience of the true garden of life. Anticipating the future is not real, but is addicting to the mind, which seeks control. Anticipation is a great way to procrastinate actually coming into the great awareness of the honey of the present moment.

Let your days proceed, my dearest brothers and sisters, in a natural, gentle, calm and nurturing rhythm of movement which develops from feasting gratefully on the moment in which you find yourself, and you will proceed thus naturally, in tune with the expansion and flowering of Mother Earth herself. She will carry you her children with the greatest devotion, attending to your ease, your care, your every blessings, if you will align your heart with hers, and your knowing with her knowing, your trust with her trust, your ease with her perfection of timing.
All will come, does come, and is come, each moment, now and forever.

With great love and blessings to each of your hearts, Mary

Thank you from the bottom of my heart, Jennifer

Dec. 29: This is Jeshua.  I would take this opportunity to speak with all of your dear selves in the spirit of thanks and celebration for the great awakening that is taking place now on a massive scale throughout your dear Mother planet.  Many of you who have been torchbearers and already awake in your knowingness of your nature as Love, as sons and daughters of God, have already perceived your connection with all living beings and felt the wonder of this, and the pain of separation fall away in all directions; your perseverance is actualizing in the breadth of the seachange happening all over your world as more and more of your brothers and sisters choose joy over pain.

As more and more are relinquishing their tight grasp of control on circumstances and are relaxing into [the] unexpected sweetness of whatever blessings are offered in each moment, they are becoming more and more excited about their new perspective.  This enthusiasm, stirring as hope in so many hearts, is showing up in countless expressions in people’s lives.  All of you are learning to be a blessing to one another and to spread your innate caring heart-flow throughout your environments and social situations.  Whether caressing a flower or handing it to a neighbor, the sheer pleasure of resting in the energy of shared appreciation is a great balm to your spirits.

You would say “spirits”, as your expression goes, but in reality it is your minds that need the balm, that are war-weary with all the inner conflict, wounded from your lifetimes of mistrust, aching from all the tension of trying, forcing, pushing yourselves to fit some pre-conceived mold. It is as if you have been jamming your energies, and each other’s, into shoes that were never intended for your feet.  You have all bought into this drama, and played it out in many configurations, but in the end, it was not a healthy fit for you, not a life-giving environment for you to progress in.  So.  Now you are setting down the game, allowing your feet to play in the clear brook, to dance bravely and trustingly upon the clover, knowing that you have been given these blessings and can nurture yourselves with this greater freedom.

And what of those who do not have clean water or soft green plants to dance upon?  They are beginning to notice this and claim another future.  They are opening to the potential within their own environment and beginning to dream up ways to restore the water, restore healthy soil.  The balance of nature has been severely disturbed in both industrialized and agricultural countries.  But the technology [for healing] is being shared in many places, bringing light and hope to many peoples. The wisdom rising in people’s hearts, through their dreams, through their collaborative discussions, is coming forward to inspire and energize and shift the scenario to one of greater ease for all of you.

Very few of you have actually believed that your lives could, and should, be full of gentleness and ease, be smooth – without friction, be blessed and without condemnation. You have all chosen the difficult path of struggle.  It is still reflected in your language, your commitment to fight for [or against]  this or that — a disease, a structure of society such as in government, or even mass lack as in hunger.  All of these things show up in your world because of your commitment to them. They each serve in some way as a tool for experiencing the polarity of your world – either hunger or abundance, either control or freedom, either illness or well-being.  You desire to win the one through the ordeal of the other; that is the path you have all been committed to.

By fighting, you push yourselves energetically to gain the other polarity, whereas if you just stop, rest, relax, and respond to each other in gentle loving ways each day, you would solve all of your difficulties. No one would go unfed, no one would be oppressed or dominating, no one would create ghastly malfunctions of what was intended to be a self-healing biological/spiritual system.

The spiritual is what has been out of whack.  Through your fear you have relied for so long on the structured religions to hold the entire realm of spiritual truth.  That, as you all can plainly see, is changing now.  People are claiming their own spiritual nature as intrinsic and given, and that is making a big difference in many lives.  Can you imagine everyone waking up and recognizing their intrinsic mind and determining to think for themselves instead of the thinking the thoughts they have been told to think?  This same freedom is being claimed on the physical, emotional and spiritual levels too.

We see this and can assure you of your brilliance in progressing on your chosen ascension.  All of you are lifting up the others as you go, as you grow, as you open your eyes and hearts, and dance hand in hand upon the dear Mother, you are bringing your world into a healed and joyful space of peace.  Be assured my beloved ones.  All is well.  We wish you all the joy your lives can hold. Here it is.  Jeshua

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