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Peace ~

Peace ~

I was surprised one day, a few weeks ago, to be communicating with a Star-being. I didn’t post it right away because my husband, who reads astronomy and astro-physics, said the space address  (see * below), that I was given, sounded very odd. Perhaps I just didn’t have the vocabulary in my head for my visitor to choose from. Anyway, after reading a piece today by Steve Beckow of Golden Age of Gaia — –about communication with our star brothers and sisters,  I decided to share the message as is.  I feel it was intended to be passed along.  With my love and blessings…. Jennifer

“ Greetings.  I am Seth-atha.  I am delighted with the opening you are providing to offer a short message today for all seekers, all who would know their inner selves and the family of beings who exist to love you.  We are star-born and bred, coming from the [sounded like — Hebridean] star cluster, 12 light-years beyond Pluto.*

We travel the universe in service to the Mother,  finding ways to assist where-in there may be circumstances where some of her children have become caught in a web of their own thinking.  You do understand that you create with thoughts? [Yes.]  This accumulates, making rather complex systems of concepts, beliefs – structures of thought – that at times can become self-destructive, restrictive to the point of alienating one-self from the memory of the whole of which we are all a part.   So, you see, and now understand – this is the case with the peoples of Earth, and we have responded with our presence.

We most often work with the mechanical systems of your world to provide means of liberating societies from hardship ~ we are from a world in which there is much delight in the creation of moving forms, and sequences of forms, which manifest in travel, in produce of many kinds, in music ~ you see, we are quite inventive and enjoy entertaining new ideas, new sequences of forms which function to the benefit of all.

Our society is quite cohesive, and yet each is an individual creator in their own right.  We do not have polarity of roles, such that some create (are more powerful) and others are divorced from their creative powers, dis-owning themselves through passivity.  Each of us en-joys the process of creation and we find increasing joy in collaborations to produce that which would not be created by one solely.  You see, each of us has a unique viewpoint from which to offer  to the whole ~ thereby the sum of the collective creation is magnified in its layers of beauty, meaning, history.

We are a proud race, one which feels joyously strong and fulfilled in our creativity. We come to Earth at this point in your history, a turning point of universal significance, to assist in the movement toward this creative collaboration, which will re-align and re-create your social systems to be more environmentally respectful and more whole-serving.  

You are aware that many of your systems – such as food production, transportation, or housing —  are most often dependent on a less than beneficial relationship with the living environment on the surface of Gaia’s body, which lives to serve you.  The detrimental effects of your manufacturing patterns of use are not in alignment with what would be the wisest and most loving response to the Mother’s Gifts.  Mother Earth, in her physical aspect, deserves a much more gentle adaptation.

You, in your evolution, are now prepared to begin to conceive and carry out /manifest new ways of being in beneficial relationship with your living practices and with your loving practices.  Be open to inspiration, which will offer new insight into the creative possibilities.  We will be relaying to you new possibilities for design, for manufacture and employment of form,  which will be helpful as you all dream and manifest the new Earth.  It will integrate some of the best of the old ways with transition forms allowing the bridging of what is familiar with what is now possible but astoundingly new.

For example,  a chair will still hold qualities familiar to you, but will be potentially of natural materials and softer substances with greater attention to mechanics and comfort, adjusting effortlessly with your subtlest movement to allow you to feel greater pleasure in your sitting  [they showed me a picture of a person sitting in a seat shaped like a huge hand, as an illustration of the ability of a “chair” to adjust to, support and give pleasure to the sitter.]  Be not afraid of the new, but open your minds as you open your hearts to the most wondrous possibilities, which will bring ease and enjoyment to Earth Mother – Gaia, and all she houses.   So may it be! 

Ala-gem  (goodbye) for now…. Our warmest blessings, dear friend.”

Thank you Seth-atha, for this surprising and helpful message.        Ala-gem.  ❤

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