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Feb. 5, 2013… This message came the other day from Jeshua.  Before my meditation, I had been musing on how to bridge the gap between me and others I love who are not at all “interested” in the New Age as such.  Over these last years, I have ceased “imparting” my revelations and wondrous experiences,  but still felt some tension and worry that if they did not share my interest they might miss the ascension!  Ha.

Now that we have made it through the great portal and are all still here,  still having time together and enjoying our relationships, I’ve sensed that even if we were not discussing ascension, that we were still allowing it.  We are more relaxed together,  more playful,  more accepting.  It seems that we are communicating without words, feeling a  greater sense of ease and mutual appreciation.

It was really interesting to me that Jeshua would discuss what would be most helpful to me personally while still knowing it would be shared on the blog for everyone.   I trust there are many of us who are wondering about how the shift is appearing and feeling to our loved ones, without being willing to risk actually asking them, as that might set up more separation.  Oh, how adept and gentle we must be in these new energies to be completely respectful of others without denying our own truth.  (The teacher in me is learning not to speak. how amusing…)     So here is Jeshua’s message:

This is Jeshua.  I am most pleased to be invited to speak with you today.  My love to all of you. And great congratulations on the many ways you are opening to and playing within the new energies.  You are creating new energy signatures with every breath, every step, every gesture of your heart.  The new energy is being demonstrated by you, the Wayshowers, in clarity and depth to all who are just beginning to open their eyes to what “may” have changed.  Having been pretty certain nothing would change, they are slowly, and a bit timidly, experimenting with a sense of greater lightness, a hint of greater freedom in the air, a sense that some restrictive encasement has dissolved, and they are not having to clatter out in such raiment any longer. 

            Each person is entitled to their own pace, their own sensations as they allow themselves to adjust to this whiff of greater freedom, and it, of course, would not be a bit helpful for you – who have fully embraced these new energies – to be too domineering in your certainty.  Being “right” is a polarity energy and puts others in the “wrong”.  No one enjoys that feeling, so please be light in your presence, in the sense of [light] pressure, rather than lumens. A light touch,  a gentle presence, a still, steady, peaceful sense of reassurance will be more assistive than “I told you so,” or demonstrating your luminosity in a way that sets up competition.  No. 

            You all have levels of potential for growth, for expansion, that have not yet been tapped.  You are each a beginner in each new day, to the opportunities to become more fully yourself.  The image of all being in the same boat might be useful.   Many of you are very eager to validate your own growth by measuring it against another, but remember this is an old energy of duality.  In the new Earth,  comparison only serves to maintain division. A  simple, sincere presence of authenticity will be more helpful to newcomers.  You are all playing together now, some more exuberantly, some more shyly, but accept that the playground is for all.  Enjoy the diversity of individuals present, and relax. 

            You have all strived so in your effort to arrive at 2012, and to ensure your ascension and that of your nearest and dearest, that a certain pressure has been utilized which has affected you internally, as well as increased some defensiveness on the part of others who demand their own sovereignty.  There is a tendency to project one’s own fear of not being worthy of being part of the One onto others, who are frankly attending to other thoughts and feelings, and then to respond to their (perceived) rejection of you and what you have to offer by setting greater distance between you. 

            Now is the time for the healing of ALL Separation. Allowing each one their own gentle way forward, with all of your actions, will be most loving.  The operative word here is Allow, not Work.  In your sense of obligation to help others, it is possible to be a bit over-bearing.  Light-working can begin to shift now into light-allowing. 

            You are already luminous, my dear brothers and sisters; on your many levels you express the full spectrum of light.  You have been most courageous and compassionate in your dedication to bringing more of yourselves into presence for your own healing and for the healing of the whole planet.  Continue, my beloved ones, to allow light to expand within you in your everyday expressions, and to contribute your light, your love, to the whole, energetically, while at the same time, allowing each individual to find their own connection to the ever-expanding luminous ball of energy that you are all creating on and through and around Mother Earth.

            Hold the vision, the knowing, the feeling of your essence, while gently, softly, tenderly welcoming your brothers and sisters who are just now wiping the sleepy seeds from their eyes and wondering at the New Earth.

(We were interrupted at this point and he did not have the chance to sign off with his usual graciousness.)  But from us both,    all love and great blessings!  Jennifer

Rev. Jennifer Donaldson

January 28, 2013

Preface to Mother Mary: Grace is Now Your Daily Bread, channeled by Rev. Jennifer Donaldson.

I read a lot on other new age blogs about how many lightworkers are feeling “disappointed” in the promised ascension, that things don’t appear different, and while I too hoped for a more dramatic increase in palpable light, i have come to trust that our collective pathway (which has been created already from our higher levels of wisdom in collaboration with our Teachers and Guides and Divine Parents) has been designed to be as gentle as we would allow, and timed perfectly for our individual wills, to choose the most sustainable pace.  What fun would it be to be catapulted through our remaining resistance, and then feel ourselves being sucked back down to the level we can sustain??

We have come such a very long way in our lifetimes, my dear Brothers and Sisters!  Let us be compassionate with ourselves and honor our own pace.   Impatience is natural under the circumstances, and I feel it too, but when I feel into it, it feels like it is rooted in fear of not arriving in time, not being able to keep up with others, not be “qualified” to ascend.  We share this on the human level, this tendency to worry that we won’t “make it”.  The polarity to this worrying is  “expectation” – perhaps we can soothe our fear of not ascending (missing the boat) with “hope”, with “expecting” everything to be SOON much better than it is now. 

This is our creatorship at work, we have a  fear, which is uncomfortable, so we project it into “making it better” in our minds.  Since it is not a creation based in love, it does not truly help us manifest anything “better” or more full of light.  When I feel into my love, my heart, I am reassured that we are progressing beautifully, and as we can allow more light into our knowing, more trust, we are ascending naturally.  When i feel the need for reassurance,  I find comfort in tuning in to the loving and positive words which are available from the higher realms. Sometimes, I find Mother Mary just right there, so this post conveys her words to us all.  Shared in love, Jennifer   (and now to the channeled message)>

Mother Mary would you like to offer a message for the blog? Mother Mary folk art

Yes, dear.  I am most grateful for the opening you have created in this blog to share words of blessing and love, words of consolation and clarity, words of gladness and the gifts of grace.

Many think of me as full of grace ~ and I am.  It is my joy to maintain this full and open and LIVING connection to the flow of love ~ it is like standing in a waterfall, only the water is pouring through me as well as all around me, with the water being the living power of love.

It is indeed blissful and blessing-ful and from this fullness there is an unending pouring of sharing.  Come near and you will be splashed by the mist, entranced by the rainbows, moistened in the quickness of grace.  Let yourself step closer and be sprayed, get your hair wet, splash your hands in the cascading stream of life.

Oh, my dear ones, step entirely into the stream and feel the glorious energy ~ as Living Water ~ penetrating your crown chakra and coursing through your being. It is glorious! It is the most fun imaginable!  Do you hesitate? Do you not trust yourselves? Do you fear the power of the flow will carry you under?  The stream of Life will always carry you to greater life, more life, more love, expanded knowingness/awareness of bliss.

Be not afraid of your own response of bliss.  You have grown into this.  You have the capacity, now, for this ~ each of you who have heard your heart’s longing to know more of who you are.  You are love, dearest ones.  Allow yourself the experience of letting yourself feel an ever-expanding flow of being Love. LOVE> LIFE> FLOW> ENERGY> LIGHT ~ all one ~  this is your inheritance, given you by Your Divine Parents, from whom you became Life.

Your path has led you through the great portal of 12-21-12 and you are now coming through the fog and into the field of possibilities.  Explore my dear children!  If you are weary, you may sit in the sunshine and have your picnic and snooze a bit, but then, open your eyes to the New Earth that is birthed of your collective hearts and celebrate!

Play on her in all the literal/physical and metaphorical/spiritual ways you can find – splash in the waterfall, climb the peaks, stretch out in the sun on the sand with the surf tickling your toes.  You have arrived dearest ones!  Grace is now your daily bread – do not be afraid to open your mouths and taste the embodiment of divine love that is your New Earth.

We rejoice with her, we rejoice with you, we embrace you with joy, Mother Mary

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