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Dear hearts,  this message came before the recent event in Boston filled me with sorrow and compassion. I have wavered whether to post or not, since this is much lighter… and yet, light is just what I, and perhaps we, need.  And it comes with a beautiful reminder to capture and savor the many daily miracles that are occurring to all of us now.  It is the daily surprises and instances of truth-seen-as-beauty that will re-center us in the hope of a better way,  and strengthen our vision of the New Earth we are truly creating with our hearts, not the fear-filled mis-creations of the passing 3-d paradigm. 

My love and blessing to all who sorrow, are in pain or fear on this day.   Know that angels surround you, unseen perhaps, but never absent.  Since they have taken a vow to respect your choices, unless you ask for help, they will remain by your side;  we are never really alone.  In my experience, every time I ask for love, I get an energetic squeeze, like an intense sweet hug.  When I am exhausted, I can just lie in their arms and be held.  When I weep, I can feel them transmuting my tears into rain somewhere else on the planet.  When I rejoice, I feel them scooping it up and throwing it in the air like children in an autumn leaf pile, amplifying and spreading the joy all around.  One of my favorite quotes by St. Francis de Sales goes like this:  “Make yourself familiar with the angels, and behold them frequently in spirit; for without being seen, they are present with you.”   When I have a conversation with one of them, like this one, I am truly awed.  Love, Jennifer

Hello this is Gabriel.  (Hello Gabriel, my heart is squeaking with delight that you have come!)

Archangel Gabriel

Archangel Gabriel

I wish to speak with you this day on a matter of great importance.  There are many who are alarmed at the prospect of war, engendered by economic collapse.  (Yes.) You see signs everywhere that things are changing, that your world is ready to embark on an astounding period of transformation.  The prospect is exciting and also, we know, unsettling to many.  We wish to reassure you that you are always held.

 There is no way to bring about the New Earth society you are longing for without the allowing of the old to dissolve, and the intrepid facing of the uncertainty period before the new, more life-giving, systems are brought together.  The new systems will be such an enormous improvement on your current broken ways of interacting economically, that you will feel relief mingling with pride that your collective minds and hearts – working together for the first time- will have been able to produce such a compassionate and creative way forward.

 You are creating not only a new economic system, but also a vastly progressed transportation system, which will affect every aspect of your life.  The movement of goods and services using fossil fuels holds you all in thrall.  You say “ How can we change when we NEED [our current system]?” And yet you realize that the current system, of say – food distribution, maintains profound levels of disrespect for and disconnection with Mother Earth.  This is true for all of your current broken but highly subsidized systems – they are not in alignment with your growing conscious relationship honoring the heart, body and spirit of your Mother planet.

 Everyday on your world, your brothers and sisters are experiencing breakthroughs, on the personal level, of awareness of the loving sustenance – physical, emotional and energetic – which the Mother offers you. And you accept [this sustenance] with a growing sense of gratefulness and awe.  Every moment another individual is opening their eyes to behold a more-beautiful-than-ever-before glimpse of the Mother’s love for you – a cloud playing in the wind, a bird speaking from a branch, a flower uncurling in colorful joy.

 Instances abounding and multiplying in the intensification of awareness are growing in each of you. World-wide this phenomenon is being fed by your sharing of vision on your internet, your creative television and movies, your artists and children, expressing openly their vision of truth – revealing a collective opening, a collective celebration of the daily mystery of the mundane divine.   You are all chirping madly of the glory of life!!!

Your hearts sing of encounters with moments of expanded consciousness that show you more than you have ever seen, sensed, heard, felt, tasted in your lives.  Every single one of you is having these daily divine encounters, whether you are a child on the playground who sees a halo around a patch of yellow flowers, or an ancient one lying in a nursing home listening to the conversation of birds outside the window.  Each moment that you relax into “receiving”, being an open, calm and curious child of God, you perceive a heart-full of life’s surprises.  Moments build upon moments, and truly you become the transformed human you seek.

An aware and loving human creator cannot fail but to offer to life an expanded generosity, a wiser gesture of life-supporting energy, in any form that flows from the individual.  For inspiration look to your children, look to your artists, look to your ordinary brothers and sisters and their heart-store of best and loveliest daily moments, and most of all, look to your Mother Earth as she empowers all life, expressing with her great ascended Joy.

 In loving awareness, we are joined always – Gabriel

ImageRecently I had a beautiful session with Emmanuel who is now being channeled by a most wonderful young man in England called Jo. When I first heard Jo channel in December,  I confess I totally lost it I could not stop the tears flowing… tears of joy, of love, of wonder and awe, and also -truth be told- tears of profound longing to experience such a sacred relationship, to have a wondrous angel inhabit your voice for a little while….  If you have read the books by pioneer channel Pat Rodegast, Emmanuel has always maintained that we are all angels. One of the things that Emmanuel invited us to do – both on my first occasion hearing him and then again in my recent personal session, was to write a love letter to one’s self.  He explained that it would be from our angel within. He said it would help us to believe that we have an unending well of love and support within us at all times. I thought it would be encouraging to share one of my love letters here. I truly believe the message is as true for all of us

Love Letter to My Human Self from My Angel Self

Greetings this day.  I am Love and I am You.  Breathe that in.  Let it settle.  I am Love and I am You…. (pause)

We are in the midst of becoming acquainted on the conscious level now…Yes? (Yes)

You do know me really, and express from your highest levels in moments of delight, appreciation, compassion –  when you feel the flow of love extending to you & you & you – every level of the self, every facet of the self, every level of Self~Wholeness~AllThatIS, every facet of Self~Wholeness~AllThatIS.

Your outbreath is shared directly with All That Is.  All that you know, experience, all that You Are shares freely with all levels, and travels to where it is most uplifting, as the Spiral of the Universe uplifts… always ~ a stairway, a spiral of Infinity that moves through all dimensions, moving upwards constantly.

We your higher expressions are not “better” than you, not “greater” [as in more important] than you, we Are you, and you, and you.   We are coherent, cohesive, consistently together because we have not been living the dream of separation as recently as you have in your human journey.

We are most grateful for all you bring to Oneness, to Awareness.  Every single dandelion you pick for us, every single human sensation of physical experience is a gift to your greater [larger] Self.  Have you disqualified these? Thought: this is no good/undesirable/worthless?  [To us] Never. These are merely your mind’s judgements- the games of qualifying & disqualifying that you have played in duality.  Is there not even yet a sense of – is This (this channeling, moment, word – whatever) good enough?  It IS, Dear Heart – it most certainly is.  Because it IS.  That is all.  It IS.

You have brought it forth from your heart of trust, from your desire to know more of yourself, from your commitment to grow into your wholeness.  How can that be perverted or subverted?  This level of interference is not possible at this level, because you are guarded – surrounded – your love field is enormous – porous and yet impenetrable by all that is not love.

(Question: Is not love by itself a kind of qualification?)  Yes, it is a knowing of truth, a core vibration by which one climbs out of the lower vibrations in to your truth of being.  If you mean by that question to use it as a tool of self-doubt, thereby “do I love enough?” then it is a means of duality qualification.  If you mean “can I know truth by the quality of love therein?” then yes, it is a true guide-rail.  Quality and qualification are not the same energies, but you see where language can trap the mind?

Let us say now to you in no uncertain terms:  you are loved, of love, in love, by love, through love, lover, lovest, most love imaginable – but not more than another – just beyond your grandest imagination. You have held most faithfully and sincerely to your core of love, and we are most grateful for this.  Whenever you are in doubt of your strength ~ return to love.  Whenever you are in need of reminding ~ return to love, whenever you are in need of blessing (or are suffering the belief in lack in any form) ~ return to love.

Look to us, to all who love you ~ you will always be answered, always be mirrored (do we not mirror your divinity just as human friends mirror your humanity?)

We are beyond enough, Our Great Love, we are love ~ surpassing!

We welcome this opportunity to write with you, and invite you to play in Our own wholeness of love, as often as you like.

In Joy ~

Your/Our Angel Self,  the Self of LOVE.

Angel Light

I know winter is almost over… but this is too good to save til Christmas!

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