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Jan.6th, 2012.   I am Gabriel.  This is a wonderful opportunity to say how grateful we all are on “our side” to be able to witness humanity rising into divinity.  There are no true “sides”, however it is perceived that way from your perspective, because of the veils.  These veils which were instigated through your choices, are now, again because of your collective choice, becoming quite transparent.  However, [this is happening] very gradually.

We want to allay any fears you may still carry around the timing or suddenness of a mass awakening on your planet.  Your Divine Father and Mother will ensure a peaceful transition for all who are feeling a bit anxious about this.  The awareness will grow little by little until – suddenly – one day you notice that you are no longer clinging to your structures, to your expectations, to your old judgments.  You will realize that more and more of your moments are gentle and filled with the sweet nectar of delight in the relationships of your daily lives.  And you will now say, “Ah, this is what is meant by becoming awake”, awake to new life, awake and eager to express your nature as love incarnate, eager to savor all the experiences open to you each day.  This is awake.

Some of you have very entrenched habits around the morning rituals, your coffee and so on.  You feel unsettled and a bit insecure when these morning rituals are varied, either by  force of another’s agenda, or by the power of circumstances.  This is a very good place to remind yourselves to play in the moment, to relax and open your minds – as it is the mind that clings – to the possibility that in allowing each morning to be different in some way from the previous one, you are allowing the blessings that have been keeping just out of sight so as not to intrude upon you – allowing them to come in, in full expression.

Like the fae, the fairy folk, who are real and have their own realm of existence just slightly in a different vibration than your own, blessings hide and watch you at times, wondering. Would this one like to be friends?  Would this one be open to playing with us?  The more entrenched in habit you are, the less likely you will be to notice these wondrous invitations to expand your awareness of life in all its varied forms.

So, practice being playful with your “waking up” time, and it will become a template for your whole day.  Begin each day with the openness and wonder which will bring to you the most amazing blessings and surprises.  This reveling in the “presence” of life, the “presents” of life, will continue to astonish you and fill your hearts with glee.

Be blessed and joyful dear ones; the time has come.  Gabriel.

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