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To my knowledge, I’ve never channeled a Leprechaun before, but I’ve kept this greeting card for many years. I’m sorry I don’t know the artist, but I love this little man’s face and this week, that love sprouted in a surprising way… I wrote this story up for a writing class I am taking. READ ON:

Jennifer Channels an Elemental….January 2024

I got a huge surprise the other day… I was practicing with a team of fellow channeling students when in popped a part of myself I didn’t know I had. I’ve always been spiritual, sometimes downright religious, but I usually tend toward communication with my guardian angel or one of my spiritual teachers in the ascended realms.  

My favorite spiritual teacher is Jeshua, usually called Jesus, but I like his Aramaic name.  Jeshua’s other half is Mary Magdalen, and usually they channel individually, although once, they spoke together as one. Yeshua changes faces all the time, as far as I can tell, I’ve heard he likes to appear recognizable in the skin color and style that most feels like a brother to the person who is channeling. Mary has wild wavy bushy very long black hair, and a beautiful face with big dark eyes, and a full wide mouth, alot like a girl I knew in high school. She can be very tender and loving, and also fiery. You don’t mess with Maggie! 

I don’t see them, like right in front of my face, but I do sometimes get a little glimpse of them, the size of an action figure, like the semicircle of small statuettes I have on my home altar.  The Archangels are usually more like suns in my body, of different colors. I adore connecting with the Archangels, especially Gabriel and Uriel, who I call Uncle U. He is iridescent silver, and Gabriel is a glowing warm gold, and bubbles like a good ginger ale.They are very approachable and friendly and their advice is always omniscient and encouraging. My guardian angel is just a quiet, loving voice under my ear, always present, but I guess I take her for granted al little, and am more impressed with the big guys. Silly isn’t it?  None of them are more important than another, we are the ones who love hierarchy. They just have different paths, different commitments to Mother/Father One. 

So getting back to my surprise last Monday night. In our practice group we all take turns channeling, depending on our interest or questions that day. On Monday, I didn’t have any burning questions, but I had an enthusiasm and curiosity to  ask one of the ascended masters or angels about the Elemental Kingdom.  I had been reading a book a friend recommended about a woman who made friends with a Leprechaun. Really? you might ask. Yes. Of course it happened in Ireland, as that land still holds an ancient and sacred vibration.  I’ve been to Ireland, twice, mostly researching a line of ancestors, but I didn’t have time then to pursue my fascination with spiritual things. I thought Leprechauns were a little mean and grumpy, but the one in my friend’s book was lovely. 

So bringing my sense of wonder to the channeling practice, I was open to who might open the conversation. Maybe Jeshua? Jeshua had once consoled my sister Kate, when she woke up one morning to find a leprechaun sitting on her bed.  He verified her experience as natural, explaining that the veils between our respective worlds are now thinning, and inter-species encounters would become more common. Apparently she had been traveling between dimensions into the fourth and fifth in her dream state, and her impression of her visitor was a remnant from a conversation she was having in another dimension. Sounds plausible, doesn’t it? It hasn’t happened since to her, but I was told that I have a unicorn friend that I love to ride when I am in the dream state. That was delightful to hear, and doubly pleasant to imagine, as I was over sixty years old at the time. 

Back to Monday night.  Here is the transcription of what actually was said. 

Jennifer (settling in to channel) : All right. Tonight I have a question about Elementals. I’ve found myself absolutely fascinated with Elementals recently and I’m reading a book that was written by a leprechaun. [Tanis Helliwell’s The Leprechaun’s Story.] It’s just cracking me up. I just love it. It’s so much fun. I can’t get anything else read because all I want to do is read the leprechaun book, so I just thought I might bring that forward and see if it gets me anywhere. So I’m inviting any of the angels, or my guides, or the Ascended Masters who would like to come forward to talk about this. 

…Taking a moment to settle and rest and wait, rather than making something happen, I just saw somebody whizzing by on a bicycle. That was interesting. Oh my gosh, it’s a day for humor! Yes. I’m seeing like telegraph wires and there are people riding bicycles along them. Okay. We’re getting playful today. 

Elemental: Yes, this is the most wondrous development! We are more, more than happy, to speak with you. I am an aspect of Jennifer, who is entirely playful and silly and always beefing up anything interesting, anything funny, anything humorous, anything to bring a belly laugh, to shake the foundations of all of the beliefs and the thought systems and the structures which hold you in such rigid postures, in such rigid chastity -belts-of-the-mind. [!] 

Oh, for heaven’s sakes, you say? Relax. Let it be joyful. Let your life find the gold in every single moment. Let your eyes and your ears and your fingers and your heart and your tippy toes, let them just dance through each moment! The possibilities are endless, but you short circuit yourselves.. you… You decide ahead of time, what is going to happen and then you measure yourself up to this imagination. It is often rather fruitless and sometimes quite barren and sometimes quite gray, and black and white— and not fun at all. And so we would invite you to walk in Technicolor, to talk in hyperbole, parabola, swing on the branches. Take a,  take a leaf from the book of the chimpanzees. Eat a banana. I mean honestly, put one in your ear! 

It is totally fine to be silly, funny, goofy, childlike, wonder-like, imaginative to the point where you’re making paradoxes in every moment, where you’re connecting things that don’t connect, where you’re making anachronisms, and, you know, half duck and half fish or those silly things that you like to make when you’re children, and then you grow out of them. And then you start to think you’ve got to be serious all the time. And you think you have to think all the time and you think you have to make sense all the time. And you don’t —you can be totally foolish for the pure joy of not knowing what the next thing out of your mouth will be! 

So you see, it is quite possible to be many aspects of yourself and it’s quite possible to deliberately decide not to filter everything, through your sensible filter, or through your wise & spiritual filter.  We are a big fan of that fella Yogi Beyondananda who poked fun at all this spirituality. Because honestly, it is not helpful to take yourself too seriously. 

Now we do understand the yearnings of the heart. We do understand where there is this longing for love. Because you have secluded yourselves from your own divine nature for so many lifetimes, and for many years— for you are not exactly teenagers. Cute as you are, sweet as you are, inventive as you are, you are ones who have walked the years of this life to a place where you can claim greater freedom. So do it! Do it and enjoy yourself. 

This is the path to joy-  it’s to let go, to let go of the way you think it will arrive, to let go of the way you think it will feel, to let go of managing the energy of the Universe as it comes through you -because you are not quite certain that you dare to let some things speak for you. Is there anything other than love? 

Truly, truly? Only love in disguise. There are those who are pretending, there are those who are dressing up with the scary rubber mask. Just for the fun of it. And they too will have a laugh. At the end, it will be a great party and you will say ‘Why did I struggle so hard?’

We are grateful to you for coming together. We have greatly enjoyed your conversation where you share your hearts with one another. We are much enlivened by the laughter that you are channeling into your reality, because laughter is very sacred. Very wonderful energy! So play more, be silly more. Will you allow yourself this? It is a freedom—  you must claim it.

Yes, allow the green hair to grow in your belly button. It is totally fine. We will enjoy it. And so will you. We hope. Much love and laughter to you. 

My name is Gabriel Rafter.  Goodbye!” 

Jennifer: Well that was a surprise!!

PS Signs that I might be part Leprechaun: I regularly find four-leaf clovers, I hardly ever worry about my health, I talk to trees and sing to birds, I choose a settled long term relationship, I’m very loyal, often silly and love to play with natural materials… etc! Maybe another post? Thanks for reading… I Appreciate YOU! Love, Jennifer

SEE ALSO, my first channeling of an elemental: 

For more creative fun see our team’s teaching site: (Maybe a workshop on Elementals soon?)

A Chat With Jeshua

(I am meditating and see the image of a snail shell with its “door” closed.  I understand that our guides/Mother-Father God/ The Ascended Masters are always available to us, when we reach out to them – it is we who shut the door.)  

I ask: Would it be helpful to keep the door open permanently?

Jeshua:  It depends on what you choose to focus on, it is entirely your choice.  We would never override your free will.

Me: But why are you SO available to us? Aren’t you busy tending to so many others with more desperate needs? 

Jeshua:  We are always available when we have been asked to be so – again, your choice, your free will.  We operate outside of limitation, so calls on our energy are readily addressed by us, happily, as a cow gives her milk (LOL!!) – and we do not run dry.  Again — Limitlessness — this too is a quality you (on Earth) carry but are as yet unaware of.  We merely open the ducts, the channels, and the energy pours forth. 

Me: With such intelligence, such emotional/mental/spiritual agility and skill! 

Jeshua: Yes, this is part of the Divine Intelligence we -all- carry from our Parents — it is God quality.  We see, we know, we understand.  The interpretations and responses vary as in any relationship.  But we hear your hearts and we respond with our own. 

Me:  Heart-listening and heart-speaking? 

Jeshua:  Truly, this what you are all recovering, stepping into as an expression of your new era of communicating peace.  

Me:  I am very intrigued and excited to be learning this new way of relating — and thrilled to be in relationship with you and my ascended selves (referring to the soul as multiple selves).

Jeshua:  You are also ascended, but in a continuum, as we are, of ascending and descending.  You are fully exercising your abilities of raising and lowering your vibration to experience a great multitude of things — you are just used to seeing yourselves as more static, more stuck in a certain dimension.   Certainly, the dominant culture of your planet is 3rd and many choose to experience this fully.  Others, like yourself, have chosen to lift this restriction on your awareness and begin to experience your multi-dimensionality.  You have not ever LOST your ability to do this, it is more that you have misplaced your confidence, your remembrance.  Was it not so that when you began to “see”, to “travel”, to “know” that you said to yourself: ‘I’ve always known this as myself’’?  It felt very natural,  because it IS natural —to each of you as your expanded selves.  Have fun knowing this and playing with your own illimitability

Me: Wow, that’s a word! 

Jeshua: Fun, is it not?  

Me: Okay!  I’m feeling that’s enough, for now…

Jeshua:  Go with my blessing.   Not go away, but go forward ~ in joy ~ dancing and playing your way through life.  Infinite Love. 

Hummingbird Moth ~ Photo by Dennis Sheehy

Hummingbird Moth ~ Photo by Dennis Sheehy

One night recently, I was meditating, when this surprising short message came through, from a new source who called herself Electra.  She made a request to all of us,  that I personally am still mulling over in my heart.  Read and see how you respond! Offered in love and service,  Jennifer

Hello, who is this?

I am Electra. I am not known to you consciously but come before you this evening as you have shown an interest in all things elemental.  I am of the Faerie folk.  We are most interested in an alliance with thee and thy kind, as of course, we are all now collaborating to assist the Mother to heal in body from the ravages of human civilization.

And what do you propose?

We propose that the humans who are interested in partnering with the elemental speak up to the human comrades and form circles that will result in bringing lightness, ease, vibrant health to any spot, location  or area that in is need.  You might meet at a place that has been neglected or harmed and form there a circle, hold hands, then chant, dance, tone, OM, whatever comes naturally.  Pray.  Tell stories. Laugh. Play ~ any spontaneous activity that brings an en-lighten-ed energy to the space where you have gathered.  And this is enough. This is the beginning of the re-dedication of the Earth, the shift into “celebration with” rather than the “taking advantage of”.  And of course,  remember to offer thanks,  to speak your gratitude and to listen for her words of love and guidance to you.

And what will this do?

It will re-align the energies in a loving and positive direction, clear the space of lingering mis-use and density created by ingratitude, and re-birth the ascended energies, re-create the alliance between all beings on the body of the Mother.  We of course, have always done thus, but in our constancy have preceded you into the higher dimensions.  Through this practice, you will be propelling the ascension of Earth’s people to rejoin with the kingdoms which have never left the harmonious interaction with our loving divine Mother. 

Can you do this?  Will you do this?  the brave ones who care deeply will find a way to offer this service.  yes, it will bemuse and bewilder some who have not yet reached a place of empathic reverence for all Life… but it will be an eye-opener and a demonstration of great love. Can you dare this?  This is what is needed now, this is what we seek. Consider Love… and then step forward. 

Blessings of the Faerie ~ this is Electra.

Owl by Dennis Sheehy

Dear Readers,  I wish to introduce two dear friends in the next two posts. The first is the photographer Dennis Sheehy whose beautiful silhouette of owl and branches appears above.  He takes one-der-ful photographs, illustrating a dedication to catching those moments that sparkle, that illuminate, that open a crack to see behind the veil of ordinary human perception.  To this end, he spends hours walking, looking, noticing and skillfully recording those moments of illumination. Nature photography is a kind of meditation and a kind of channeling, making visible what ordinarily goes unnoticed.

Usually I illustrate my posts with photos I take myself… a quick shot of a moment I observe in the ever changing beauty around my country home,  but I have thought for a while of including some of Dennis’ photos as a way of sharing his meditation and his talent with my friends on-line. He was once very involved in making gnome-homes, so clearly has a feeling for the aesthetics of faerie and the elementals  (see also ).  Dennis is also a very dear brother to me.  I recognized him as that immediately, I’m happy to say, and it turns out, he is the twin flame of one of my sisters.   I first met him in the 1990s,  when I arranged for him to teach a gnome home workshop at the elementary school in Freeport, Maine where I was teaching art.

I chose the owl for the first post, from all of his photos, because Owl is a personal symbol of wisdom and sight in the darkness, and a messenger between worlds, which we as channels are also.  I do not resonate with the superstition of the owl as a harbinger of death, this is based in fear of change and transition.   The Greek goddess Athena, renowned for wisdom,  has an owl as her symbol. I have had an owl totem and spirit friend for at least thirty years.

When my son was seven, we went to a Native American tipi set-up demonstration, with a subsequent shield-making activity within the tipi.  The Penobscot man lead us on a journey to find our spirit animal, and draw it on the shield with crayons.  I still have the cardboard circle with the white and silver owl in flight.  This is the first experience I had with clairvoyance, as I realized how easy it was for me to follow a guided visualization, and saw/felt the owl fly to me so vividly.  I was in college at that period studying art education and later used guided imagery a lot with my students, who, as children, were closer to their non-physical senses than most adults.

My name Jennifer comes from the English name  Guinevere;  the original Cornish form was  Gwenwhyfar, meaning white shadow, white phantom, white fairy, or fair one).  The white owl on my shield feels like a phantom or spirit owl, not a physical one.  My parents didn’t know the etymology back in 1951 (they didn’t have baby -naming books then)… I discovered it later in high school when I became enamored of the Arthurian legends.  Pondering on why I have the name I do, another level of meaning came clear in meditation a year or so ago.  Jenn ( Gen– root word for race, kind, or simply,  the people) and  fer (or, pher- from the Greek to love, as in Christopher = lover of Christ),  which all adds up to Lover of the People, or All of Us! YAY!  I’m so grateful for my parents’ intuitive wisdom!!

Multi-dimensional Blessings to all of you on this magical Hallow’s Eve, when the veils are blown away and we can all travel between worlds like Owl, and sense/see/hear/feel the Other Side.  No fears– All is well– Always.   Love to All the People,  Gwenwhyfar

And an Angel appeared!!!

And an Angel appeared!!!

I was sitting to channel for a local Sunday service at the Vision of Light Church, a spiritualist church, and got this message from “The angels”.  That was unusual since it is usually a single being for me, one usually known to me, though there have been some surprises.  I have to credit the Spiritualist church and the Spiritualist movement in America (since about 1850!) for holding the space for channeling and communication between dimensions. Anyway, here is a message for the Equinox, illustrated by the amazing appearance of a majestic glowing flower being, called a Night-Blooming Cereus.  It only blooms once or twice a year, and only for one night, and smells intensely beautiful!  It has such a strong presence, it felt like an angel!  Enjoy the post, with my love, Jennifer

Sept. 22nd, 2013

Dear Ones,

We greet you this day with great joy as you reach a momentous turning point on your journey of humanity merging into divinity. The gate has closed, and the “ship” has lifted off.  How exciting!!!  All those prepared for the trip of many lifetimes have discerned their choice and made themselves open to the guidance of their souls, so as to be present, in this moment, on this plane of communal consciousness.  You are here!  You have arrived!!!

This sacred moment is marked by an exuberant energy, a floating buoyant energy of recognition:  you now recognize that you are here and the new adventure is now beginning.  As you encounter each successive now-moment, you embrace the possibilities – more openly, more curiously, more hopefully that you ever have lived before on your dear Planet Earth; well, since the time of your early childhood.

While accustoming yourselves to your earthly body (a tight fit for one so vast!) you yet were capable of facing each new moment as the constantly flowing Now, with joy and excitement, each moment – like a kaleidoscope — containing elements of color and shape, which moved in concert to create the myriad possibilities that you experienced each day.

So now, you have re-turned, re-emerged – after a time of wandering in the wilderness – to your innocence of heart.  You have shed the layers of disdain, doubt and judgment, and your heart has become whole again, able to see with the eyes of a child, able to feel with the heart of innocence without fear.  However, you bring with you all of the experience and memories of your journey into density, and these difficult, more painful memories enrich you truly.  You have gained the wisdom of finding truth, embracing love, spreading your light.  Well done, dearest souls!!!

We in the higher realms are so very grateful for the richness of all that you have passed through, now added consciously and lovingly to the whole.  Your gifts are added to the circle of all that we are ~ and for your gifts, for your love, for your choice to be present, as the new adventure takes flight into lighter environs ~ we bless you, we thank you, we love you, always, eternally.

Your Angels

ImageRecently I had a beautiful session with Emmanuel who is now being channeled by a most wonderful young man in England called Jo. When I first heard Jo channel in December,  I confess I totally lost it I could not stop the tears flowing… tears of joy, of love, of wonder and awe, and also -truth be told- tears of profound longing to experience such a sacred relationship, to have a wondrous angel inhabit your voice for a little while….  If you have read the books by pioneer channel Pat Rodegast, Emmanuel has always maintained that we are all angels. One of the things that Emmanuel invited us to do – both on my first occasion hearing him and then again in my recent personal session, was to write a love letter to one’s self.  He explained that it would be from our angel within. He said it would help us to believe that we have an unending well of love and support within us at all times. I thought it would be encouraging to share one of my love letters here. I truly believe the message is as true for all of us

Love Letter to My Human Self from My Angel Self

Greetings this day.  I am Love and I am You.  Breathe that in.  Let it settle.  I am Love and I am You…. (pause)

We are in the midst of becoming acquainted on the conscious level now…Yes? (Yes)

You do know me really, and express from your highest levels in moments of delight, appreciation, compassion –  when you feel the flow of love extending to you & you & you – every level of the self, every facet of the self, every level of Self~Wholeness~AllThatIS, every facet of Self~Wholeness~AllThatIS.

Your outbreath is shared directly with All That Is.  All that you know, experience, all that You Are shares freely with all levels, and travels to where it is most uplifting, as the Spiral of the Universe uplifts… always ~ a stairway, a spiral of Infinity that moves through all dimensions, moving upwards constantly.

We your higher expressions are not “better” than you, not “greater” [as in more important] than you, we Are you, and you, and you.   We are coherent, cohesive, consistently together because we have not been living the dream of separation as recently as you have in your human journey.

We are most grateful for all you bring to Oneness, to Awareness.  Every single dandelion you pick for us, every single human sensation of physical experience is a gift to your greater [larger] Self.  Have you disqualified these? Thought: this is no good/undesirable/worthless?  [To us] Never. These are merely your mind’s judgements- the games of qualifying & disqualifying that you have played in duality.  Is there not even yet a sense of – is This (this channeling, moment, word – whatever) good enough?  It IS, Dear Heart – it most certainly is.  Because it IS.  That is all.  It IS.

You have brought it forth from your heart of trust, from your desire to know more of yourself, from your commitment to grow into your wholeness.  How can that be perverted or subverted?  This level of interference is not possible at this level, because you are guarded – surrounded – your love field is enormous – porous and yet impenetrable by all that is not love.

(Question: Is not love by itself a kind of qualification?)  Yes, it is a knowing of truth, a core vibration by which one climbs out of the lower vibrations in to your truth of being.  If you mean by that question to use it as a tool of self-doubt, thereby “do I love enough?” then it is a means of duality qualification.  If you mean “can I know truth by the quality of love therein?” then yes, it is a true guide-rail.  Quality and qualification are not the same energies, but you see where language can trap the mind?

Let us say now to you in no uncertain terms:  you are loved, of love, in love, by love, through love, lover, lovest, most love imaginable – but not more than another – just beyond your grandest imagination. You have held most faithfully and sincerely to your core of love, and we are most grateful for this.  Whenever you are in doubt of your strength ~ return to love.  Whenever you are in need of reminding ~ return to love, whenever you are in need of blessing (or are suffering the belief in lack in any form) ~ return to love.

Look to us, to all who love you ~ you will always be answered, always be mirrored (do we not mirror your divinity just as human friends mirror your humanity?)

We are beyond enough, Our Great Love, we are love ~ surpassing!

We welcome this opportunity to write with you, and invite you to play in Our own wholeness of love, as often as you like.

In Joy ~

Your/Our Angel Self,  the Self of LOVE.

mary nursing jesus3-23-2013:

My Brothers and Sisters: this week’s message holds a surprising image and sensation that has appeared now and again in my meditations.  What can I say? I am a mystic and sometimes love comes in this way, as the nursing mother and child; perhaps to fulfill one of our deepest human longings for the experience of perfect love.  How many lives have we had wherein, as infants, we were left outside to die,   or raised in the meanest of emotional environments?  Even now many babies are born to undernourished mothers and cannot thrive.  In this life, I have had a wonderful mother, but when I was born in the 50’s, modern women did not nurse; formula was the new scientifically correct way to feed babies. Of course, I compensated for that when I had my own babies!  More recently, one of my favorite memories of my first grandchild was when, at almost three, she looked up from her (by that time occasional) nursing at her mother’s breast and announced to me with a big milky grin: “I’m having my mama’s milk!”  As if it was her right and her joy! When we are done, we outgrow it, and grow into the ability to offer it in turn to the next generation. 

This message is from Gabriel, the archangel closest to me throughout my life. It was news to me that Gabriel might be Gabrielle, more feminine than masculine,  as other channels have portrayed her.  I don’t feel a gender,  just totally unconditional love.  But s/he did give me this message, with exquisite appreciation for what it feels like to be both the child and the mother in this transfer of loving energy.  I have always loved it that Gabriel was the one who came to announce Mary’s motherhood of the Christ child, who was to be the Light of the world.  Isn’t it amazing, that we are now each the Christ Child?    ~  with loving blessings, Jennifer

Good Day, this is Gabriel.  Greetings and salutations!

I salute you all as you are moving so beautifully into your peace, into your joy ~ allowing yourselves to rest more and more into the spaces [image: between the leaves of a tree] rather than forcing yourselves to focus on distinguishing what is, from what is, making mental distinctions, and pushing yourselves to follow old mental rutted pathways.

You have gone “off the path”, laid down your bicycle, are resting [lying on your back] under the tree and looking up.  You are breathing more calmly, deeply, and resting in Ahhhhh… As you look up, you see the leaves, but also the beautiful pattern made by the spaces between the green leaves of the tree [image: ash leaves, like millions of vesica pisces with serrated edges, overlapping], and you see the brilliant blue of the sky in tracery around the leaves neither more important or more compelling to your view, but each equally present to your eyes…. And to your heart.

Can you feel your heart pulsing in the pleasure of being alive in this moment, as the heart pumps blood filled with this beautiful sight infused into the oxygen as you take in each breath? Can you feel the tingling of the oxygen’s excitement as it brings the good news of the leaves and the sky, the green and the blue, the dance of breeze and light to every cell in your body?  Oh, how your being delights in its physical form sensing the vital expressions of the Mother’s Life!

Our Divine Mother most lovingly extended herself into physical form to hold you in your fragmented states, as you grew, little by little, back together again.  Over and over, timelessly, she has held you and given you of her own body, as a mother to her child, so that you might grow and flourish.  Her love, her tender guardianship, her commitment, her blessings surround and infuse your physical experience, whether you notice it or not.  Noticing does, however, enable you to plumb the depths of gratitude allowing all that she shares with you to be received, and the potential for fulfillment – joyous completion – to be nurtured.

Now you are in the stage of waking to your new bodies in this higher vibration, and the first thing you notice is her warmth, her heart of love committed to caring for your every need.  You feel your lips on her breast with the rich and delicious stream of loving milk moving through your mouth and down your throat in a golden pearly river, settling into your abdomen under your own heart, beating its echo, its “Life! Life! Life!”  rhythm of affirmation.

Next you open your eyes, stuck after millennia of self-inflicted separation, and through damp crusted lashes, you gaze up at her smile, her eyes, her aura of radiance and wisdom – such blessings she shines onto you and to every of your brothers and sisters! Each of you are offered all the love and nurturing you desire to finally and irrevocably know that you belong to your divine family, you are wanted, welcomed and tended in joy, and infinitely understood and cherished.

Begin at the beginning dearest ones, allow yourself to be new-born to the sublime awakening into the arms of Love.  Just as you give willingly to each of your little ones as they are born into your lives, so too are you welcomed home with gladness and unlimited willingness to help you in any way you like into the next stage of your growth as Souls traversing the realms of physicality.

Your adventure into the fifth and succeeding vibratory levels will be redolent with physical sensation. Do not think for a moment that ascension means you leave all the delights and wonders of the body behind.  Indeed not.  The 5th dimensional body is malleable, conforming to your desires and intentions, representing as your Soul plays and experiments. You have the ability now to change your expressions as you will. Not yet, in practice.  You will become more adept as you acclimate to your new world, new stage, new roles.

Your great Mother Gaia, now playing with her own new vibrations will offer you many blessings, which you may open to receive to the degree that you live your moments in your heart.

I am Gabriel: Rejoice for you are loved.

the action figures on my altar

the action figures on my altar

      3/10/13:  Here is the latest channeling… I seem to be developing a sweet thing with Mother Mary, because she came through again.  I love her energy and her heart, and I delight in her word imagery, from the circle of life being pregnant to “your smile is your pebble”! 

      This particular message came through in the middle of a vision of a meeting in some higher dimension.  I’ll describe it as it may resonate with some of you who are also doing such spontaneous “traveling”.  After choosing to meet up with my teachers in a higher dimension (I aimed for 16th, which Jeshua once invited me to, but it could have been anywhere), the first thing I sensed was like breaking through the surface of a pond, and coming out into a mist-filled space. There were  bright lights, like christmas lights seen through a rainy windshield (they were my guides and teachers.) I asked to be able to feel them and felt each color flash brilliantly and a sensation of an energetic squeeze from Jeshua and Mary, blue and magenta. Then Mother Mary who showed herself to me as a white peony with dark pink center.  Quan Yin and Kuthumi were each a brilliant purple, and their hugs felt more tingly and breeze-like.  I felt their blessings, then I was on my own and walking through a forest… the “trees” on either side were wand-like and waving and changing in spectrum from blue green to light lime green, with spirit flower  of bright colors along the forest floor. 

I sensed one of my familiar companions along side of me, a unicorn I call Ukiel, whose mane i was holding as we walked side by side. His/Her presence felt warm and companionable, but i didn’t see him so much as feel his fur brush against me and the silky texture of his mane.  We passed by a glade  every now and then, but didn’t stop. After a while we came out into an open field, which i felt/saw was surrounded on four sides with the ocean (the path went through the fifth side).  In the field was a pavilion, a white tent of a soft material – where i knew the others were waiting.  When i arrived, Jeshua, Mary and Mother Mary were there, and Quan Yin and Kuthumi.  I was so happy to see them all (more in misty human form), and the atmosphere was bright with rejoicing.  They invited me to sit, and offered me “tea” from a pot, it was more like silver liquid, and some little square cakes, like petit-fours but made from layers of fresh fruits.  We laughed and visited for a while, then i asked if one of them would like to bring a message for the blog for those who would read it, and this is what came:

Good Day and Blessings to all of you. This is Mother Mary.  I am delighted with this opportunity to share with you and to offer you my love and support.

This day is another milestone in your journey as souls embodied on Mother Earth.  You have each expanded to incorporate such degrees of light, such degrees of trust, such qualities of expression of love that your future as citizens of light creating the New Earth as a benevolent, all-inclusive society is assured.

Always your free will is respected and honored, and if you chose to continue to play in the “Wild West” lawless danger of former days on Earth, then as such you would continue to live in the fear and the drama of your choice.

It is so beautiful to see that you are instead now choosing to set down these collective stories, [saying] STOP, and “Enough!” ~ so that you may instead begin a new narrative that engages playfulness in a more benign way, bringing pleasure, solace, satisfaction to all of your brothers and sisters who wait and watch to see if it might, in fact, be true – this inner rumor of a new way forward.  They feel the possibility, but are watching you, my devoted Light-bearers, Heart-weavers, to see what might be created which will be of loving benefit, which uplifts and upholds the frequencies of greater good.

It is no accident that your word GOD is so close to the word GOOD ~ it is, in fact, an expansion, is it not, with the extra O, the extra~inclusive circle of wholeness in action, possibility~pregnant.  There are many such signs in your language, and you will be amused as you encounter and decipher them.  These signs or codes exist in every human language, and are the game of Spirit playing through your creations to point the way, to remind you of your divine origins, your essence.

As you have collectively begun to play in the energies of your nature as Love, SO many opportunities are being offered broadly to groups of your brothers and sisters for their en~joy~ment.  The greater the joy experienced in each day, the higher the vibration of the individual, the greater the enjoy~ment of the collective of souls upon the planet, the higher the vibration in which opportunities for enjoyment exist.

You are moving the spiral upwards with all of your creative, innovative endeavors, when intention is filled with the desire to provide ease, comfort, blessing, wonder~ment, inspiration, nurturing, enlightenment, and ~ yes ~ love to all on the planet.  The spiral of upliftment is powerful in its ability to generate and spread joy, which acts as fuel to continue the spiral movement into greater joy.  Envision this spiral and know that with each smile, each peal of laughter, each skip, each twinkle of the eye you propel the spiral of increasingly loving vibration upon, within and extending from your beautiful Mother planet.

If joy seems elusive to you, be where you are; remember to be kind to yourself; release judgement; allow yourself to rest.  You have been struggling so long that exhaustion is calling to you to ease up, lay back, sit still, and, once [you are] a bit more practiced in this kindness to self, your energy will be cleansed and peaceful and begin to generate the energy of joy once more.  It is innate and seeks expression, delights in connection, and ultimately blesses all of the Universe and every level of Spirit like ripples on a pond.  Your smile is your pebble and yours to throw.  Have fun my dearest ones, have fun!  Mother Mary.

Afterwards, I felt loved by all of them, then I just dissolved out of there and back into my room.  Have a most happy day! With much love, JenniferOLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA

Feb. 15, 2013

Earth Sky Fire & Snow

Earth Sky Fire & Snow

As we are ascending and moving beyond our 3-D commitment to separation — from God, from each other,  from the stream of Life itself — I sometimes wonder about the nature of our connectedness.  At times I have seen the elements as connectors:  air, water, earth and fire. As we take the air into our bodies, though our breath, and as the wind circulates air around the planet, we are all actually sharing breath. Through the water cycle, as we take in water through our bodies and release it, water in its myriad forms of puddles, brooks, waves, snow, clouds, and so on, form and reform, sharing the same molecules.  Earth connects us through the minerals in our food (going in and going out), the materials of our dwellings & clothing, as well as by the action of gravity as we contact earth with our feet.  Fire connects us as the transmutation of carbon- we are a carbon-based life form-  for our lights, cooking, heat, transportation, and as vital sunshine. 

But beyond these elements, HOW are we all connected? — if , as Jeshua once told me, we are.

In meditation, recently, I got an image of  beads strung on a mala – a string of prayer beads.  I got an understanding that “we are all God’s mala” , connected through our hearts which are open…  I asked for more information and got this message:

This is Jeshua and Mary speaking as one.

 We see this image of the beads and the thread and it is a good metaphor, if you add holes going back to front, and side to side as well as top to bottom… each bead has multiple exits and entrances, in fact, but all share a similarity in that the center of each bead is hollow, so that the string may pass though in any direction.

Imagine your energies now seated within and extending beyond your bodies. They are porous by nature, though it is possible to temporarily erect a non-porous shield, however, your natural divine state is porous.  The threads of energy, created by common experience – what you might call history – and shared emotion, shared thought, shared source, etc., are running through your energy in many directions and extending to your brothers and sisters all around you, but with flexible threads that vary in length.

Imagine the rubber toys you have with flexible spines in all directions [like sea urchins] having the capacity to elongate their spines infinitely, and to be connected to many other such shapes in a mutually beneficial bonding – you see?  We are moving beyond the idea of beads in a single strand into a multi-dimensional model with infinite numbers and types of connections to all expressions of life-energy, not just human, but also animal, devic, mineral and so forth.

In fact the expression of this multiplicity of connection IS the world which appears in front of you when you wake each morning, and the play-verse you inhabit when you drop your bodies in sleep each night.  It is the connection – the playful Unity – that results in creation, and creation, as a process, that creates connections as Life progresses and expands.

You have understood that you already are all connected through the elements of air, water, earth and fire, but you now can also see that on an etheric level you are connected as well, and the strands that you envision are really more like a plasma, like a medium, rather than a line, or even a series of lines.

When you think on the connective systems of communication, for example, it is easier for you to visualize, in a linear fashion, a telephone wire, and then to allow the complexity to develop until you can imagine how the wireless internet works.  It is not necessary, unless it interests you, to understand how everything in the universe works, the important thing is to become aware that it does indeed function, have life, progress and expand, into a myriad of experiences, each of which blesses you with further expansion and returns to bless our Source, our Creator parents, in an infinite cycle of extension and return, revolving and continuing in its infinity spiral of Life living Life.

 Is this enough for now?

Yes, truly. I thank you and offer blessings and love.  (Channeled by Rev. Jennifer Donaldson)

Feb. 5, 2013… This message came the other day from Jeshua.  Before my meditation, I had been musing on how to bridge the gap between me and others I love who are not at all “interested” in the New Age as such.  Over these last years, I have ceased “imparting” my revelations and wondrous experiences,  but still felt some tension and worry that if they did not share my interest they might miss the ascension!  Ha.

Now that we have made it through the great portal and are all still here,  still having time together and enjoying our relationships, I’ve sensed that even if we were not discussing ascension, that we were still allowing it.  We are more relaxed together,  more playful,  more accepting.  It seems that we are communicating without words, feeling a  greater sense of ease and mutual appreciation.

It was really interesting to me that Jeshua would discuss what would be most helpful to me personally while still knowing it would be shared on the blog for everyone.   I trust there are many of us who are wondering about how the shift is appearing and feeling to our loved ones, without being willing to risk actually asking them, as that might set up more separation.  Oh, how adept and gentle we must be in these new energies to be completely respectful of others without denying our own truth.  (The teacher in me is learning not to speak. how amusing…)     So here is Jeshua’s message:

This is Jeshua.  I am most pleased to be invited to speak with you today.  My love to all of you. And great congratulations on the many ways you are opening to and playing within the new energies.  You are creating new energy signatures with every breath, every step, every gesture of your heart.  The new energy is being demonstrated by you, the Wayshowers, in clarity and depth to all who are just beginning to open their eyes to what “may” have changed.  Having been pretty certain nothing would change, they are slowly, and a bit timidly, experimenting with a sense of greater lightness, a hint of greater freedom in the air, a sense that some restrictive encasement has dissolved, and they are not having to clatter out in such raiment any longer. 

            Each person is entitled to their own pace, their own sensations as they allow themselves to adjust to this whiff of greater freedom, and it, of course, would not be a bit helpful for you – who have fully embraced these new energies – to be too domineering in your certainty.  Being “right” is a polarity energy and puts others in the “wrong”.  No one enjoys that feeling, so please be light in your presence, in the sense of [light] pressure, rather than lumens. A light touch,  a gentle presence, a still, steady, peaceful sense of reassurance will be more assistive than “I told you so,” or demonstrating your luminosity in a way that sets up competition.  No. 

            You all have levels of potential for growth, for expansion, that have not yet been tapped.  You are each a beginner in each new day, to the opportunities to become more fully yourself.  The image of all being in the same boat might be useful.   Many of you are very eager to validate your own growth by measuring it against another, but remember this is an old energy of duality.  In the new Earth,  comparison only serves to maintain division. A  simple, sincere presence of authenticity will be more helpful to newcomers.  You are all playing together now, some more exuberantly, some more shyly, but accept that the playground is for all.  Enjoy the diversity of individuals present, and relax. 

            You have all strived so in your effort to arrive at 2012, and to ensure your ascension and that of your nearest and dearest, that a certain pressure has been utilized which has affected you internally, as well as increased some defensiveness on the part of others who demand their own sovereignty.  There is a tendency to project one’s own fear of not being worthy of being part of the One onto others, who are frankly attending to other thoughts and feelings, and then to respond to their (perceived) rejection of you and what you have to offer by setting greater distance between you. 

            Now is the time for the healing of ALL Separation. Allowing each one their own gentle way forward, with all of your actions, will be most loving.  The operative word here is Allow, not Work.  In your sense of obligation to help others, it is possible to be a bit over-bearing.  Light-working can begin to shift now into light-allowing. 

            You are already luminous, my dear brothers and sisters; on your many levels you express the full spectrum of light.  You have been most courageous and compassionate in your dedication to bringing more of yourselves into presence for your own healing and for the healing of the whole planet.  Continue, my beloved ones, to allow light to expand within you in your everyday expressions, and to contribute your light, your love, to the whole, energetically, while at the same time, allowing each individual to find their own connection to the ever-expanding luminous ball of energy that you are all creating on and through and around Mother Earth.

            Hold the vision, the knowing, the feeling of your essence, while gently, softly, tenderly welcoming your brothers and sisters who are just now wiping the sleepy seeds from their eyes and wondering at the New Earth.

(We were interrupted at this point and he did not have the chance to sign off with his usual graciousness.)  But from us both,    all love and great blessings!  Jennifer

Rev. Jennifer Donaldson

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