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Mother Mary: Feb. 20th. Greetings, my Beloveds. It is with great joy I come today to speak a few words of encouragement and clarification to you. Encouragement for the effort you are making to bring the new awakening into your lives – the awareness of choice, the expanded sense of identification, the gentleness toward self and others, the enthusiasm for co-creative endeavor, and the celebration of your new knowing of yourselves in greater connectivity to All That Is.

The clarification I wish to offer to you today has to do with this idea of your expanded self as divinity. Some of you reject your own divinity as absurd, or at least, grandiose (a word of judgement). Others squirm a bit trying on this notion – now commonplace (see how far you have come!) – of your divinity, as though perhaps it is a bit too loose, too tight, or at best, undeserved.

Ah yes, this brings us to the point that [you believe] you are not worthy, and [we] address the scriptural basis of humility – as though you must be humble to be loved by God, to be worthy to even tie his shoe. We, of course, did not have shoes even remotely like the ones you enjoy now, and even if we did, we would have tied our own, as you do. If one were very grand, then one might have a servant to fasten one’s sandals, but most of us have always preferred to be independent. The idea of being so unworthy as to be not even fit to act as a servant is what is being illustrated. Why would any of God’s children think themselves so pitifully low as to be so abased?

It is part of the story you tell yourselves as humans living in duality. You believe that for some to be worthy (secretly you would like to count yourselves in this group) then there must be others who are not worthy. Clearly, one must be one or the other; otherwise, there is no polarity. Since your world operates on polarity, then it must be truth. It is not truth my beloved ones; it is merely your game of light and shadow, worthy and unworthy – like the children’s game of cops and robbers. Pick a side and play it out; it does not matter, as long as you remember it is a game. If you forget (and this is what most of your history is about) then you suffer the illusion that your story, your history, your pain is real. It is not real, my darlings, it is just make-believe.

As you become more and more willing to take responsibility for your choices, your world, your reality, you become ready to see it as the game it is, and to begin to lovingly and creatively look for ways to use your power of choice differently. You tidy up; you make amends; you approach your relationships with greater awareness of your part in the play; you dream up new scenarios that create a happier ending for all.

Truly, my children, you are growing up, and it is a very joyful thing to observe your world in the act of taking responsibility for your choices, rather than retaining the [belief in] blame which makes one victim and the other at fault. There is no fault. There are only choices, and you are beginning to see this and to operate in a new paradigm of tender and gracious respect to all of your brothers and sisters, as you observe their desire to awaken from the dreams of humanity’s suffering.  The inkling that you created it together, and [thus] you can create solutions going forward which will give you great joy in implementing, will bring the celebration of life you have all longed for. With great kindness and creativity you will, together, lift your world into a new stage where concern turns to revelation, and compassion to delight. You are all held always in the greatest love and blessing. Mother Mary.

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