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July 17, 2013

This message came from a private inner conversation with Archangel Gabriel which perhaps has relevance for all of us who wonder how we are progressing spiritually. In this,  Gabriel illuminates the unhelpful way we tend to compare and compete with others, based on our schooling tradition.  I love it that s/he knows me so well… and sees the insecurities and competition that I would hide as being “immature”, meanwhile continuing to seek for some yardstick to measure my growth.  How can we measure or quantify our learning without reference to another?  We can’t.  And so competition continues to be a source of  tension and stress, defeating the reunion with our Self as love.  I admit I tend to read other channels and wonder if  my channeling has value for others. Gabriel’s clarity and tenderness offers healing to this part of me and by sharing transparently, I am extending the healing to you. The image of the torus at the end is very descriptive of this inner becoming outer and outer becoming inner as we all progress forward in love (how could we not be progressing? It is the nature of Life! 🙂

My love and blessings to all of my Earth siblings. Enjoy!  Jennifer

Who would like to speak?
I Am Gabriel. I relish this connection with you, Divine One, as you aspire to your ascension… you wonder – we do hear your thoughts, you know – you wonder if you are progressing favorably for your re-union with All that You are, and I am taking this opening you have given me to have this private chat with you.

You are Love, yes? Yes.
So, that is a huge progression from when that would have sent your mind and emotions into a flurry of qualification, but, no longer, you see? It is a journey, but there are absolutely no rules about how fast one must proceed along the path of each one’s ascension. It is not a race, NOR is it helpful to compare oneself with others – ever.

You have been taught to keep one eye on the teacher and the other on your class-mates (or “competition-mates”) – living up to imagined or stated expectation, or not and thereby failing. You still cling to the old, subconscious habit of comparing, competing and holding “expectations” that have been formulated by your teachers – those that have been in a position to evaluate your progress.

Archangel Gabriel

Archangel Gabriel

Would you call me a teacher to you?
Most certainly, my beloved Gabriel, in that you know my heart and you know my Being more clearly than I do myself at this point.
Well. Then. I will tell you. You are a shining example – TO YOURSELF – of intention, choice, action to become the Love that you yourself believe you to be. You know your world does not teach this. In fact much you have learned has acted to obscure this aspect of self – this essential nature of self – it has kept it hidden.

To whom was it [the world] going to teach the truth? Only to the special ones? Only to the ones who were quickest, most clever, most deserving, most intellectually brilliant? No, not to any of these was the world going to teach the truth. The world cannot bestow what it does not have, know, express. The world reflects the inner conflict of human-kind.

Whenever you find yourself out of balance, or out of charity with yourself, return to the simple remembrance of your essence as love; rekindle this memory, first for yourself, then share the flame with others wherever you are in your every moment. Are you not love? Why not? Because you sometimes express from a belief in all the ways that love is not – all the practices that separate you from Truth. The Truth is Love. There is no greater truth, and deep within, you know this to your core.

Remember and be your own natural, miraculous dance of love expressed in all directions, love within and love without, love above and love below, love before and love behind, love on each hand. Your hands gather love from your core and stretch out and offer love extended to all, any and every other being, until the sharing is continuous and the inside is outside in a dynamic flow.

My energy for writing is subsiding…
Yes, it is time we stopped for now. Great blessings to you, my beloved one.
Thank you for this time together.
I am always here for you and am one of your guardians & teachers.
Thank you Gabriel. I love you too.

Dear hearts,  this message came before the recent event in Boston filled me with sorrow and compassion. I have wavered whether to post or not, since this is much lighter… and yet, light is just what I, and perhaps we, need.  And it comes with a beautiful reminder to capture and savor the many daily miracles that are occurring to all of us now.  It is the daily surprises and instances of truth-seen-as-beauty that will re-center us in the hope of a better way,  and strengthen our vision of the New Earth we are truly creating with our hearts, not the fear-filled mis-creations of the passing 3-d paradigm. 

My love and blessing to all who sorrow, are in pain or fear on this day.   Know that angels surround you, unseen perhaps, but never absent.  Since they have taken a vow to respect your choices, unless you ask for help, they will remain by your side;  we are never really alone.  In my experience, every time I ask for love, I get an energetic squeeze, like an intense sweet hug.  When I am exhausted, I can just lie in their arms and be held.  When I weep, I can feel them transmuting my tears into rain somewhere else on the planet.  When I rejoice, I feel them scooping it up and throwing it in the air like children in an autumn leaf pile, amplifying and spreading the joy all around.  One of my favorite quotes by St. Francis de Sales goes like this:  “Make yourself familiar with the angels, and behold them frequently in spirit; for without being seen, they are present with you.”   When I have a conversation with one of them, like this one, I am truly awed.  Love, Jennifer

Hello this is Gabriel.  (Hello Gabriel, my heart is squeaking with delight that you have come!)

Archangel Gabriel

Archangel Gabriel

I wish to speak with you this day on a matter of great importance.  There are many who are alarmed at the prospect of war, engendered by economic collapse.  (Yes.) You see signs everywhere that things are changing, that your world is ready to embark on an astounding period of transformation.  The prospect is exciting and also, we know, unsettling to many.  We wish to reassure you that you are always held.

 There is no way to bring about the New Earth society you are longing for without the allowing of the old to dissolve, and the intrepid facing of the uncertainty period before the new, more life-giving, systems are brought together.  The new systems will be such an enormous improvement on your current broken ways of interacting economically, that you will feel relief mingling with pride that your collective minds and hearts – working together for the first time- will have been able to produce such a compassionate and creative way forward.

 You are creating not only a new economic system, but also a vastly progressed transportation system, which will affect every aspect of your life.  The movement of goods and services using fossil fuels holds you all in thrall.  You say “ How can we change when we NEED [our current system]?” And yet you realize that the current system, of say – food distribution, maintains profound levels of disrespect for and disconnection with Mother Earth.  This is true for all of your current broken but highly subsidized systems – they are not in alignment with your growing conscious relationship honoring the heart, body and spirit of your Mother planet.

 Everyday on your world, your brothers and sisters are experiencing breakthroughs, on the personal level, of awareness of the loving sustenance – physical, emotional and energetic – which the Mother offers you. And you accept [this sustenance] with a growing sense of gratefulness and awe.  Every moment another individual is opening their eyes to behold a more-beautiful-than-ever-before glimpse of the Mother’s love for you – a cloud playing in the wind, a bird speaking from a branch, a flower uncurling in colorful joy.

 Instances abounding and multiplying in the intensification of awareness are growing in each of you. World-wide this phenomenon is being fed by your sharing of vision on your internet, your creative television and movies, your artists and children, expressing openly their vision of truth – revealing a collective opening, a collective celebration of the daily mystery of the mundane divine.   You are all chirping madly of the glory of life!!!

Your hearts sing of encounters with moments of expanded consciousness that show you more than you have ever seen, sensed, heard, felt, tasted in your lives.  Every single one of you is having these daily divine encounters, whether you are a child on the playground who sees a halo around a patch of yellow flowers, or an ancient one lying in a nursing home listening to the conversation of birds outside the window.  Each moment that you relax into “receiving”, being an open, calm and curious child of God, you perceive a heart-full of life’s surprises.  Moments build upon moments, and truly you become the transformed human you seek.

An aware and loving human creator cannot fail but to offer to life an expanded generosity, a wiser gesture of life-supporting energy, in any form that flows from the individual.  For inspiration look to your children, look to your artists, look to your ordinary brothers and sisters and their heart-store of best and loveliest daily moments, and most of all, look to your Mother Earth as she empowers all life, expressing with her great ascended Joy.

 In loving awareness, we are joined always – Gabriel

mary nursing jesus3-23-2013:

My Brothers and Sisters: this week’s message holds a surprising image and sensation that has appeared now and again in my meditations.  What can I say? I am a mystic and sometimes love comes in this way, as the nursing mother and child; perhaps to fulfill one of our deepest human longings for the experience of perfect love.  How many lives have we had wherein, as infants, we were left outside to die,   or raised in the meanest of emotional environments?  Even now many babies are born to undernourished mothers and cannot thrive.  In this life, I have had a wonderful mother, but when I was born in the 50’s, modern women did not nurse; formula was the new scientifically correct way to feed babies. Of course, I compensated for that when I had my own babies!  More recently, one of my favorite memories of my first grandchild was when, at almost three, she looked up from her (by that time occasional) nursing at her mother’s breast and announced to me with a big milky grin: “I’m having my mama’s milk!”  As if it was her right and her joy! When we are done, we outgrow it, and grow into the ability to offer it in turn to the next generation. 

This message is from Gabriel, the archangel closest to me throughout my life. It was news to me that Gabriel might be Gabrielle, more feminine than masculine,  as other channels have portrayed her.  I don’t feel a gender,  just totally unconditional love.  But s/he did give me this message, with exquisite appreciation for what it feels like to be both the child and the mother in this transfer of loving energy.  I have always loved it that Gabriel was the one who came to announce Mary’s motherhood of the Christ child, who was to be the Light of the world.  Isn’t it amazing, that we are now each the Christ Child?    ~  with loving blessings, Jennifer

Good Day, this is Gabriel.  Greetings and salutations!

I salute you all as you are moving so beautifully into your peace, into your joy ~ allowing yourselves to rest more and more into the spaces [image: between the leaves of a tree] rather than forcing yourselves to focus on distinguishing what is, from what is, making mental distinctions, and pushing yourselves to follow old mental rutted pathways.

You have gone “off the path”, laid down your bicycle, are resting [lying on your back] under the tree and looking up.  You are breathing more calmly, deeply, and resting in Ahhhhh… As you look up, you see the leaves, but also the beautiful pattern made by the spaces between the green leaves of the tree [image: ash leaves, like millions of vesica pisces with serrated edges, overlapping], and you see the brilliant blue of the sky in tracery around the leaves neither more important or more compelling to your view, but each equally present to your eyes…. And to your heart.

Can you feel your heart pulsing in the pleasure of being alive in this moment, as the heart pumps blood filled with this beautiful sight infused into the oxygen as you take in each breath? Can you feel the tingling of the oxygen’s excitement as it brings the good news of the leaves and the sky, the green and the blue, the dance of breeze and light to every cell in your body?  Oh, how your being delights in its physical form sensing the vital expressions of the Mother’s Life!

Our Divine Mother most lovingly extended herself into physical form to hold you in your fragmented states, as you grew, little by little, back together again.  Over and over, timelessly, she has held you and given you of her own body, as a mother to her child, so that you might grow and flourish.  Her love, her tender guardianship, her commitment, her blessings surround and infuse your physical experience, whether you notice it or not.  Noticing does, however, enable you to plumb the depths of gratitude allowing all that she shares with you to be received, and the potential for fulfillment – joyous completion – to be nurtured.

Now you are in the stage of waking to your new bodies in this higher vibration, and the first thing you notice is her warmth, her heart of love committed to caring for your every need.  You feel your lips on her breast with the rich and delicious stream of loving milk moving through your mouth and down your throat in a golden pearly river, settling into your abdomen under your own heart, beating its echo, its “Life! Life! Life!”  rhythm of affirmation.

Next you open your eyes, stuck after millennia of self-inflicted separation, and through damp crusted lashes, you gaze up at her smile, her eyes, her aura of radiance and wisdom – such blessings she shines onto you and to every of your brothers and sisters! Each of you are offered all the love and nurturing you desire to finally and irrevocably know that you belong to your divine family, you are wanted, welcomed and tended in joy, and infinitely understood and cherished.

Begin at the beginning dearest ones, allow yourself to be new-born to the sublime awakening into the arms of Love.  Just as you give willingly to each of your little ones as they are born into your lives, so too are you welcomed home with gladness and unlimited willingness to help you in any way you like into the next stage of your growth as Souls traversing the realms of physicality.

Your adventure into the fifth and succeeding vibratory levels will be redolent with physical sensation. Do not think for a moment that ascension means you leave all the delights and wonders of the body behind.  Indeed not.  The 5th dimensional body is malleable, conforming to your desires and intentions, representing as your Soul plays and experiments. You have the ability now to change your expressions as you will. Not yet, in practice.  You will become more adept as you acclimate to your new world, new stage, new roles.

Your great Mother Gaia, now playing with her own new vibrations will offer you many blessings, which you may open to receive to the degree that you live your moments in your heart.

I am Gabriel: Rejoice for you are loved.

The following message is so fun!  Happy August everyone!!!
With love, Jennifer
August 3, 2012.
I would like to offer a message on my blog today, would there be some message that would be helpful at this time?
This is Gabriel. I wish to offer you great congratulations on the ease and gentleness with which you are absorbing the offered light from the higher realms.  This is offered in a loving wave of support for all of life on the planet, absorbed by plants and animals in a most welcome and natural way, but the human has sometimes layers of resistance (called fear) which “inter-fere” or block what will be very beneficial.  It is based in ingrained caution, and habitual lack of trust that the environment in which you live will be[ harmful]  in fact [it is] far more nurturing than dangerous. It is difficult for some/many to believe in the benign possibility and yet re-establishing this as a possibility is exactly what is birthing the new Earth. As you relax into trust in life to be NOTHING BUT A BLESSING to you in all moments, then you begin to strengthen your new belief in your freedom.
Each of you carried levels of caution and these act to stick your feet to the ground in a traction that keeps you fastened midway between the old and the new.  Can you just pick up your feet and find the new freedom? Yes, but if this seems too difficult, try slipping out of your shoes – believe me, your bare feet are a means of communication with life on Mother Earth which most of you have effectively muffled.  Take time each day,especially in your seasons of warmth, but even in your cold you would be pleasantly surprised to learn that the Mother’s body is warm.  Try this daily prayer of setting your bare feet on the Earth, the grass, garden soil, rock, sand, even brick or slate, any material that carries the living vibration of Mother Gaia, and know that this simple, even wordless, communion with her is blessing your body, your energy, and grounding you in a most effective way into your Mother’s love and support.
By practicing the bare feet you are saying : I am open to the blessings, the goodness, the healing, the love, the acceptance, the life-giving energy of the One who holds me in this physical realm.  You are saying: I am open, I receive, I acknowledge a substantial relationship which contributes enormously to my beingness as human soul.  Rest for a bit, then walk, move, dance, skip – you will be energized and blessed and offered every measure of support.  Speak to her in words if you like, knowingshe is alive too, conscious on a much larger scale than you, and capable and even desirous of responding to you in many varied languages.  Listen, watch, wait for her.  She has waited so long for you to re-establish your relationship with her. Let your trust and your delight grow every day and this will become a supreme gift.
Thank you, Gabriel! 
You are most welcome.
 May 9, 2012. This is Gabriel.  We are most pleased to address you in this time of shifting glory.  Shifting because so much is changing on your world and much is changing within each of you to the degree that you are open and choosing to actively grow.
You are making yourselves anew from the inside out, rotating on a continuous basis – energetically – like the images of the tube torus that are beginning to be more common on your world.  Some are even now able to see with their human eyes & inner sight combined, this flow of energy, and many more are sensing this flow and picturing it in their intuitive vision.  Images such as you pass around your internet are helpful and inspiring to many who are reaching for some way to materialize what they sense.
So, wondrous indeed is this shifting, flowing, infinitely renewing/renewable energy that expresses itself as YOU! And therein the glory of you.  What is glory and why would many of you stop there and say: “glory is a bit much, really , now.”  Ah, but this is hubris, covering yourself with dirt, burrowing like a worm.  Dear ones, you are not worms!  They are lovely, in their place, such gentle, patient creatures doing the work of forming the soil for growth. Thank the worm kingdom, but you are not created for the purpose of building soil!
You are created to create wondrous and boundless light-filled blessings: toys, tools, circumstances, songs, paintings, marvelous buildings. You are created to create whatever your desire.  You have, together, created your whole world. Yes, even the body of the Mother Earth herself, you have helped to create, through your envisioning of this world that surrounds you, in which you delight to adventure.  Her soul you did not create, as you did not create your own soul.  These are gifts made of the greatest love from your father/mother Creator principle, whose wholeness and grandness you can only begin to comprehend.  But this too will grow.
All expands – understanding, creation, love – its nature is to grow. As the tree grows from the little nut (quite exquisite in its form and potential) into the great and glorious oak, so too do you grow, on your long and wondrous journey and progress from the flame of baby soul birthed in source’s heart to the grand and endlessly generous, generating, creator being who is a reflection of – and in fact the materialization of – the Creator him/herself. Be excited, my beloved human souls, you are cracking the nut.  Be blessed and reach for the sky!
channeled by Jennifer at

(April 25, 2012) Sometimes, i’m just sitting in meditation, knowing that i’m open to channeling a message that i can post, as much to encourage myself as all other readers, and I don’t have any agenda or topic in mind.  So this is how this one started: Okay, who would like to offer a message to the blog? (pause) then the words just flow… enjoy!

Gabriel: My dears, we greet you this day in your earth time.  We see your shining energies and rejoice that so much light is brightening your planet every day, even when you feel discouraged or impatient for the full manifestation of the New Earth. Of course it is not going to happen in one fell swoop. Such suddenness would be hugely disconcerting for all of you.  Let it build gradually, knowing and trusting that each day brings more light, and with each incremental increase in light, more of you are encouraged to find your peace, love yourselves and your neighbors, sing a new song of creation.

Your old saying “Rome wasn’t built in a day” is apt here, as you are now dreaming and manifesting a new global civilization, where all of you will have more space to co-create, to dance together in the new energies, to come together in multitudes of expressions that will become more wondrous and interesting than anything you could have ever hoped for.

And remember too, you are not beginning with a clean slate, so to speak.  The past and the present are not just wiped out for you to begin to create your future.  Your now moments include elements of past creation, remnants, old energies, memories, patched and faded, still in use because there are those who still believe in them, or repair and maintain them. And so they will persist, until eventually they will be allowed to disperse.  These are old patterns, old beliefs, old structures of thought, old institutions (which are just the more concrete realizations of sets of common agreements, [such as] “Yes, this is good. This is what we want.  This is profitable. Or, this will keep us safe.”) You will release these old energies as you feel ready and the timing is perfect.

Meanwhile, new ideas, new inspiration, new paradigms are being seeded around you every day and you can see some take root and begin to grow.  Your social media, for example, is based on the paradigm of connectivity.  How much progress [there has been] when you remember the veritable, adamant state of separation only a short time ago.  And before long, the reliance upon the internet and electronic devices will give way to greater trust in your intuitive connectivity. No longer will your spirituality be a part of your [separate] identification. It will be fully integrated into your human beingness, your every-moment-experience of your membership in the glorious whole of life.

What an exciting era you are beginning! And it will be known to you eternally as having been well worth every moment of suffering [in order] to get absolutely clear that you wanted [now] collectively to move into a more loving state of life and play, a whole other way to your joy. So be it.

Peace, my beloveds, and joy unending.  Gabriel.

Jan.6th, 2012.   I am Gabriel.  This is a wonderful opportunity to say how grateful we all are on “our side” to be able to witness humanity rising into divinity.  There are no true “sides”, however it is perceived that way from your perspective, because of the veils.  These veils which were instigated through your choices, are now, again because of your collective choice, becoming quite transparent.  However, [this is happening] very gradually.

We want to allay any fears you may still carry around the timing or suddenness of a mass awakening on your planet.  Your Divine Father and Mother will ensure a peaceful transition for all who are feeling a bit anxious about this.  The awareness will grow little by little until – suddenly – one day you notice that you are no longer clinging to your structures, to your expectations, to your old judgments.  You will realize that more and more of your moments are gentle and filled with the sweet nectar of delight in the relationships of your daily lives.  And you will now say, “Ah, this is what is meant by becoming awake”, awake to new life, awake and eager to express your nature as love incarnate, eager to savor all the experiences open to you each day.  This is awake.

Some of you have very entrenched habits around the morning rituals, your coffee and so on.  You feel unsettled and a bit insecure when these morning rituals are varied, either by  force of another’s agenda, or by the power of circumstances.  This is a very good place to remind yourselves to play in the moment, to relax and open your minds – as it is the mind that clings – to the possibility that in allowing each morning to be different in some way from the previous one, you are allowing the blessings that have been keeping just out of sight so as not to intrude upon you – allowing them to come in, in full expression.

Like the fae, the fairy folk, who are real and have their own realm of existence just slightly in a different vibration than your own, blessings hide and watch you at times, wondering. Would this one like to be friends?  Would this one be open to playing with us?  The more entrenched in habit you are, the less likely you will be to notice these wondrous invitations to expand your awareness of life in all its varied forms.

So, practice being playful with your “waking up” time, and it will become a template for your whole day.  Begin each day with the openness and wonder which will bring to you the most amazing blessings and surprises.  This reveling in the “presence” of life, the “presents” of life, will continue to astonish you and fill your hearts with glee.

Be blessed and joyful dear ones; the time has come.  Gabriel.

Dec. 19:  I am called Gabriel.  I speak with you to wish you a peaceful holiday season. During this time when so many hold the energy of frantic, anxious, short-tempered, fearful of judgment – remind yourselves to seek and settle into frequent lulls, calms, pockets of quiet.  Carry peace with you in your breathing; breathe peace in, exhale peace, be quiet from the noise, the talking, the sounds of clashing competition.  Breathe into your Essence and out from your Essence, and in a few moments you will feel the beneficial effects, the realignment with your humor, your poise, your love.

This is a gentle reminder to you to see the angel within yourself, rather than desperately trying to find it or recreate it around you, in scenery, cards, wrapping paper, even church services. Your angel lives within you. Each of you has such a part of self who has not been bruised by the forgetting, the fracturing, the faceting of the physical density.

Each of you is connected to a level of peace and purity  (that is pure as in not polluted with dense fragments of veil, not pure as in non-sexual.  We do not require sexual purity of anyone.  In the form in which we express ourselves, an energetic form, not physical, there is frequently a joyous and ecstatic merging with other expressions of Self, other aspects of Divinity, for the purpose of experiencing the joy of this sharing.  In your realm you think of the merging with one another as a union of bodies.  The ecstasy comes from the union of energies with others who have undergone dissimilar adventures, absorbed sensations and thoughts from myriad varieties of contacts in the Universe, and so we greatly enjoy entering into this sharing. But I digress…)

I invite you again to remember your peace, as its companionship will greatly assist you to gain the richness of all potential expression, rather than approaching what is available to you with the denser energies of franticness and anxiety.  Relax, dear ones, breathe, and be at peace.  The days are turning quickly now for all of you, it is not possible for you to “do everything,” even if you try.  So allow yourselves to proceed through your days with a gentle heart. Open to the blessings offered you in each moment, sharing freely (but not frantically) of those blessings, and resting in the flow of what is happening in your moments.  That is enough.  It does not need to be more.

In resting within your felt experience, you are able to share inwardly in a much fuller way with all of your levels, and they in turn with you, so that there is a flow and overflow, flow and overflow – nurturing to every part of you from your cells to your children.  Be most embraced in the blessings of your own hearts, beloved ones.  You are so greatly loved.  Gabriel.

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