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(April 25, 2012) Sometimes, i’m just sitting in meditation, knowing that i’m open to channeling a message that i can post, as much to encourage myself as all other readers, and I don’t have any agenda or topic in mind.  So this is how this one started: Okay, who would like to offer a message to the blog? (pause) then the words just flow… enjoy!

Gabriel: My dears, we greet you this day in your earth time.  We see your shining energies and rejoice that so much light is brightening your planet every day, even when you feel discouraged or impatient for the full manifestation of the New Earth. Of course it is not going to happen in one fell swoop. Such suddenness would be hugely disconcerting for all of you.  Let it build gradually, knowing and trusting that each day brings more light, and with each incremental increase in light, more of you are encouraged to find your peace, love yourselves and your neighbors, sing a new song of creation.

Your old saying “Rome wasn’t built in a day” is apt here, as you are now dreaming and manifesting a new global civilization, where all of you will have more space to co-create, to dance together in the new energies, to come together in multitudes of expressions that will become more wondrous and interesting than anything you could have ever hoped for.

And remember too, you are not beginning with a clean slate, so to speak.  The past and the present are not just wiped out for you to begin to create your future.  Your now moments include elements of past creation, remnants, old energies, memories, patched and faded, still in use because there are those who still believe in them, or repair and maintain them. And so they will persist, until eventually they will be allowed to disperse.  These are old patterns, old beliefs, old structures of thought, old institutions (which are just the more concrete realizations of sets of common agreements, [such as] “Yes, this is good. This is what we want.  This is profitable. Or, this will keep us safe.”) You will release these old energies as you feel ready and the timing is perfect.

Meanwhile, new ideas, new inspiration, new paradigms are being seeded around you every day and you can see some take root and begin to grow.  Your social media, for example, is based on the paradigm of connectivity.  How much progress [there has been] when you remember the veritable, adamant state of separation only a short time ago.  And before long, the reliance upon the internet and electronic devices will give way to greater trust in your intuitive connectivity. No longer will your spirituality be a part of your [separate] identification. It will be fully integrated into your human beingness, your every-moment-experience of your membership in the glorious whole of life.

What an exciting era you are beginning! And it will be known to you eternally as having been well worth every moment of suffering [in order] to get absolutely clear that you wanted [now] collectively to move into a more loving state of life and play, a whole other way to your joy. So be it.

Peace, my beloveds, and joy unending.  Gabriel.

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