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Jennifer channeling Mother Earth, Nov. 27th, 2023

[This wonderful message came through yesterday in my channeling practice group. There’s something about the group energy that deepens the communication experience. I hope you feel it, too. Also the questions and answers are interesting. One of them refers to my going on a trip this week to see my family in California. Hope you all had a blessed Thanksgiving… You will see that there is much in here about Giving and Receiving. LOVE< Jennifer]

Mother Earth: I Am Your Mother. I am your mother, Gaia.  I am most deeply involved with each one of you through your cells, through your water, through your minerals, in your bones, through your particles of breath. I am deeply, deeply heavily, warmly, sweetly grateful to each one of you for opening to allowing us to speak with you, speaking words of hope, of encouragement, of coaching words where we see your strengths that you may not see and we wish you to know of these strengths. And we wish you to see, to hear that ‘Yes, you can. Yes you can.’ And we will help you and we are right with you. We are holding your hands. We are holding your shoulders, we are kissing your brow. We are embracing you from head to toe. My darling ones do not be afraid of anything. Anything that you wish for, speak of it. 

Like my dear dear beloved child Buddha said to you, ‘Just ask. Do you want something? Just ask. Tell us you want it and we will help you.’ And this is true for everything. Whether you want to have a pain release and cease to bother you, or you wish to have something new come into your life that you have not allowed yourself before. Whether you wish to have a smooth and easy day, or you wish to have all kinds of ease and abundance in your provisioning for yourself. 

Whatever it is, My Beloved Ones, we are with you. I am with you and I am not merely the material part of you. I am also imbuing you, throughout your lifetime, with the loving maternal receptive Self.  I am the Yin and I do also give generously. So you see, while you tend to think in duality, that one must be one and one must be the other. We have come into perfect balance with this. So we are very, very good at receiving. And we can help you with this. Because you have much knocking on your door that you have not yet allowed yourself to enjoy.  And of course we are the givers, so do not ever think that you do not have enough to give.  Whenever you want to give anything, follow that impulse – religiously, we might say, because you will always find joy in this energy pouring forth.  The filling up  and the pouring forth. 

Do not be afraid, my dear [Jennifer] of the momentum being interrupted by your brief journey in the skies and on the land on the other side of your landmass you call America. You will be fine. This great swelling of energy that you are feeling and this great creative passion you are feeling will continue for quite a long time. So, there’s plenty of room for some tangential pause, or a ribbon of energy looping out to the side and becoming reconnected in a few short days. So you see, I can answer your questions before they are asked. I can feel your energy and I know your heart. I love each and every one of you so deeply. 

I will remain for a bit more time if there is a question that either of you [in the session] would like to bring at this time. 

Participant 1: I was just thinking without getting into any specific events. Is there some, is there something we should be holding within us to assist you and the rest of the planet and humanity for the upcoming Solstice?

Mother Earth:  Complete trust. Complete and utter trust, that all is unfolding, developing, coming forth, lifting apart like the lotus opening to God, to the sun, to the light, to the beauty of its own being. For all of you, this flowering is upon us and it is completely most helpful, if you will know beyond a sliver of doubt, beyond any shadows of fear, just trust and not in something outside of you, but in the love that you are, in the beauty that you are, in the creation passion that you are, because the stronger your trust the stronger your creation, our creation. All hands on deck. All of us together. 

Participant 1: Thank you. 

Mother: Yes. 

Participant 2: A beautiful answer. Thank you for that.  There are a few themes within your conversation about deep desires and fear. And I wonder if there’s any that you can help Jennifer with if there’s anything deeply within her that she desires that she’s not allowing to come forward because of fear and if you can help her with that. 

Mother: Yes. There is a fear of change and a deep desire for stability and this causes a certain energy of clinging which is not necessary. Change will come about in its own natural way and one does not have complete control over these things. So do not try. Changes happen and all is well. 

And stability, my Dear Ones, is to be found in your own heart. Stability is in your heart. Do not fear passion. Because it is only the active phase of your own love, but stability is innate within you, within your being, when you are in the balance of Mother/Father/One -all the many ways you could describe your own being- in perfect balance with All That Is.  And this is why dance is so important because you are practicing the physical balance of your human body, on my body.  You have such freedom to move about on the physical plane, and I do hold the physical reality for you, with all of my love and with all of my beauty and with all of my passion. 

Participant 2: It’s beautiful. And in that there is stability because you are holding our tri-flames. You are holding and enveloping us in a way, are you not? I mean that would be stability in itself as we’re in form. 

Mother: Indeed. I mirror to you your Selves and collectively you all mirror to me your Selves. 

Participant 2: Thank you so much. 

Mother: I am deeply moved to have this opportunity to speak with you. Thank you.

Participant 2: I’m joining in that being moved.

Mother:  I am here always.

Participant 2: And in All ways

Mother: Indeed.  

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